A recent client of mine, described her experience of a reiki session as a "love hug".
Reiki is unconditional love. It involves holding space for the client to receive healing life force energy, not from the practitioner but through the practitioner. Reiki works with the highest good of the client as the intention.
During a reiki session the client is fully clothed and lies comfortably under a blanket. Many clients fall asleep or enter a relaxed meditative state - both are perfect. Healing music is played, essential oils fill the air and an oasis of peace is created. I use crystals during treatments, with clients often gravitating to certain ones during consultation. A treatment usually lasts for about 45 minutes with consultations before and after. During a session, I work on the seven main chakras or energy points in the body. Quite often if someone is experiencing stress or has some physical ailment, one or more of their chakras may be blocked. Reiki helps to balance all of the energy points helping the client to feel more peaceful and balanced.
Each client experiences something different during sessions. Often people who lead busy lives or those going through hard times tend to have emotional responses during a treatment. Tears, coughing and even beaming smiles can all occur. Reiki energy continues to work for up to 36 hours after a session. My advice to clients is to receive a treatment on a quiet day when they can rest, reflect and enjoy the energy after the session is over.
Benefits experienced by clients can include:
· Pain relief
· Deep relaxation
· Release of emotional difficulties
· Clarity with decision making
· Feelings of peace and tranquility
· Boost in immune system
· Improved quality of sleep
· Increased production of breast milk
· Promotes balance and harmony between body, mind and spirit
The majority of my clients are new to energy healing and I take great care to slowly introduce people to reiki. For anyone who is curious but a little nervous I would advise you to seek a practitioner with a good reputation and go to someone who you feel comfortable and supported by. We are all unique and different modalities work for different people.
If reiki is something you are interested in I would encourage you to follow that curiosity and give it a try. Please get in touch if you have any questions.